DRINK RECIPES With Underberg
Did you know?
Underberg is not only a true pleasure purely
Underberg can also be used to mix unusual drinks.
Taste our modern, fresh and aromatic drink ideas.

Espresso Herbtini
A cocktail with deep aromas of Underberg herbs and the power of coffee and espresso beans, rounded off with a touch of vanilla.
2 cl Underberg
2 cl Vodka
1 cl Coffee liqueur
1 cl Vanilla syrup
1 Espresso

An Underberg meets ice in a highball glass and is topped with cold cola. To top it off, a squeeze of fresh lemon follows, its zest on the rim of the glass again complementing the herbal notes in the topping with fresh citrus notes.
2 cl Underberg
20 cl Coke
Fresh lemon

Underberg Sour
Ein moderner Sour mit der unverwechselbaren Kräuterdichte des Underbergs.
1 Fläschchen Underberg
3 cl frischer Zitronensaft
2 cl frischer Orangensaft
1 cl Zuckersirup

Underberg SOUR
A modern sour with the distinctive herbal density of the Underberg.
1 bottle of Underberg
3 cl fresh lemon juice
2 cl fresh orange juice
1 cl sugar syrup